2005 FRM Exam Result Analysis
Dear Vactor Lee
We would like to congratulate you on passing the 2005 Financial Risk Manager Examination. You have now joined a very select group of 8,404 financial professionals from around the world.
Credit Risk Measure and Management
You scored in the 2nd Quartile in this category. Candidates scoring in this quartile demonstrated a solid understanding of the subject area. These candidates scored higher than 50% of all candidates and lower than the top 25% of all candidates.
Market Risk Measure and Management
You scored in the 3rd Quartile in this category. Candidates scoring in this quartile demonstrated a basic understanding of the subject area. These candidates scored higher than 25% of all candidates and lower than the top 50% of all candidates.
`Operational and Integrated Risk Management, Legal, Accounting, and Ethics
You scored in the 1st Quartile in this category. Candidates scoring in this quartile demonstrated a strong understanding of the subject area. These candidates scored in the top 25%.

Quantitative Analysis
You scored in the 3rd Quartile in this category. Candidates scoring in this quartile demonstrated a basic understanding of the subject area. These candidates scored higher than 25% of all candidates and lower than the top 50% of all candidates.
Risk Management in Investment Management
You scored in the 2nd Quartile in this category. Candidates scoring in this quartile demonstrated a solid understanding of the subject area. These candidates scored higher than 50% of all candidates and lower than the top 25% of all candidates.
