Dear Sam,
很高興你要整裝待發了!你在電話裡告訴我,你已向CFA協會報名今年六月的CFA Level 1考試,已開始照我建議的方式準備,並感謝我對你的加油打氣,所以特別打電話來致意。
Sam,在電話裡我深切地感受到你奮力一搏的決心,讓我非常感動。屢敗屢戰、越挫越勇,這是需要相當大的勇氣及意志力。在此,我樂意將我正在進行中的CFA Level 1、Level 2及FRM課程教學方式,與你及所有考生分享。我認為這是更精進有效的自主學習方式。
步驟一:我建議你到CFA協會官網,先去了解LOS(learning outcome statement, LOS)是什麼?以及如何使用LOS?CFA協會認為,在你閱讀每篇reading前,要先讀懂該篇reading的LOS,先了解主要的學習目的,這些LOS可指引你該reading最基本的KSAs(knowledge, skills, and abilities, KSAs)。
步驟二:我建議你在CFA協會官網下載官方版本定義的30個LOS Command words,而且要仔細閱讀,並須理解每個Command words的真正意涵。這很重要,這有助於你能正確掌握LOS的涵義。
我不清楚你是否知道什麼是LOS Command words?所謂LOS的「指令用語」(Command words),就是在LOS內,要求考生應該了解的方式與內容。每個LOS,至少有一個以上的Command words。
譬如,我以2013 CFA Program Curriculum CFA Level 1 Volume 3 reading 22財報分析LOS a.為例(p.5):
describe the role of financial reporting …,describe就是這個LOS的Command word。
我再舉reading 22財報分析LOS e. (p.5)為例:
identify and explain information sources that…,identify and explain就是這個LOS的Command words。
注意,LOS Command words指令用語是有特別的意涵。
以Analyze這個字為例。Analyze有分析、解析的意思,但在LOS Command words裡,Analyze具有「深入檢查…」(To examine in detail)的意涵。範例:「深入檢查一家公司的流動性、獲利性、財務穩定性、償債能力及資產應用能力」(Analyze a company’s liquidity, profitability, financial stability, solvency, and asset utilization)。
再如,Define這個字,字意是解釋、定義,但在LOS Command words裡,Define有「正確陳述…」(To state exactly the meaning of)的意涵。範例:「正確陳述參數、樣本統計量及次數分配」(Define a parameter, a sample statistic, and a frequency distribution)。
再如,Explain這個字,字意是解釋、說明,但在LOS Command words裡,Explain有「清楚了解…」(To make clear the meaning of)的意涵。範例:「清楚了解利率平價」(Explain interest rate parity)。
清楚了這些Command words,你就很容易了解每個reading的LOS主要學習目的及考試出題方式。
例如,reading 25的LOS g與LOS h(2013 CFA Program Curriculum CFA Level 1 Volume 3 p.139)講的是同一種觀念,因此準備LOS g時,可以與LOS h一起準備。
reading 25 LOS g: describe how earnings per share is calculated and calculate and interpret a company’s earnings per share (both basic and diluted earnings per share) for both simple and complex capital structures.
請注意,該LOS g有三個Command words:describe、calculate及interpret。
Describe這個字,字意是說明、描述,但在LOS Command words裡,Describe有「文字描述…」(To portray in words)的意涵。
Calculate這個字,其字意是計算,在LOS Command words裡,Calculate也是「計算」的意思 (To find (the value of something) by using mathematics )。
Interpret這個字,其字意是解釋,在LOS Command words裡,Interpret有「定義」(To give the meaning of)的意涵。
reading 25 LOS g內文中譯為:以文字描述(describe)如何計算每股盈餘(earning per share, EPS)並且計算(calculate)及定義(interpret)簡單(simple)資本結構與複雜(complex) 資本結構的每股盈餘。
reading 25 LOS h: distinguish between dilutive and antidilutive securities, and describe the implications of each for the earnings per share calculation.
請注意,該LOS h有二個Command words:distinguish與describe。
Distinguish這個字,其字意是區別,在LOS Command words裡,Distinguish有「指出…之間的差異」(Point out differences between)的意涵。
reading 25 LOS h內文中譯為:指出(distinguish between)稀釋(dilutive)與反稀釋(antidilutive)證券之差異,並以文字描述(describe)其對每股盈餘計算的涵義。
譬如,reading 25的summary (2013 CFA Program Curriculum CFA Level 1 Volume 3 p.189~191),與該LOS g、h有關的是第13到第15個黑點,亦即p.191第三行至十一行。
■ Basic EPS is the amount of income available to common shareholders divided by the weighted average number of common shares outstanding over a period. The amount of income available to common shareholders is the amount of net income remaining after preferred dividends (if any) have been paid.
基本每股盈餘等於可供普通股股東分配的稅後淨利(net income, NI)金額部分除以當期加權平均(weighted average)流通在外(outstanding)普通股之股數。可供普通股股東分配的稅後淨利金額部分係稅後淨利扣除特別股(preferred stock)股利之後的餘額。
■ If a company has a simple capital structure (i.e., one with no potentially dilutive securities), then its basic EPS is equal to its diluted EPS is equal to its diluted EPS. If, however, a company has dilutive securities, its diluted EPS is lower than its basic EPS.
■ Diluted EPS is calculated using the if-converted method for convertible securities and the treasury stock method for options.
可轉換證券(convertible securities)使用「假設-轉換後的方法(if-converted method)」。而選擇權(option)使用「庫藏股」(treasury stock method)法來計算稀釋證券。
步驟五:找出該reading中與該LOS有關的practice problems。每個reading後面的practice problems是針對LOS所出的題目。這些題目與解答就是與實際考題差不多的題型,因為出的很棒,因此真正考題不會與此差太遠,甚至同樣的題目就出現在考題。
在reading 25 summary後面的practice problems 19與20(2013 CFA Program Curriculum CFA Level 1 Volume 3 p.194, 195),與LOS g及LOS h有關。
19. For 2009, Flamingo Products had net income of $1,000,000. At 1 January 2009, there were 1,000,000 shares outstanding. On 1 July 2009, the company issues 100,000 new shares for $20 per share. The company paid $200,000 in dividends to common shareholders. What is Flamingo’s basic earnings per share for 2009?
A. $0.80.
B. $0.91.
C. $0.95.
A. $0.80
B. $0.91
C. $0.95
Answer: C is correct. The weighted average number of shares outstanding for 2009 is 1,050,000. Basic earnings per share would be $1,000,000 divided by 1,050,000, or $0.95.
20. Cell Services Inc. (CSI) had 1,000,000 average shares outstanding during all of 2009. During 2009, CSI also had 10,000 options outstanding with exercise prices of $10 each. The average stock price of CSI during 2009 was $15. For purposes of computing diluted earnings per share, how many shares would be used in the denominator?
A. 1,003,333.
B. 1,006,667.
C. 1,010,000.
A. 1,003,333
B. 1,006,667
C. 1,010,000
Answer: A is correct. With stock options, the treasury stock method must be used. Under that method, the company would receive $100,000(10,000×$10) and would repurchase 6,667 shares($100,000/$15). The shares for denominator would be:
Shares outstanding 1,000,000
Options exercises ×10,000
Treasury shares purchased (6,667)
Denominator 1,003,333
由於假設該選擇權投資人履約10,000股,因此以庫藏股6.667股交割給投資人後,還須發行額外的3.333股(10, 000-6.667)。因此分母的股數為1,003,333(1,000,000+3.333)。
譬如,reading 25中,有關LOS g、h的頁數,共有兩大部分。
一、2013 CFA Program Curriculum CFA Level 1 Volume 3 p.174
二、2013 CFA Program Curriculum CFA Level 1 Volume 3 p.178-180
步驟八:整個官方版本Study Note讀完之後,你就可以上CFA協會官網下載Sample 1與Sample 2(需要花錢)及Mock Morning及Mock Afternoon(免費)來驗收「自主學習」的成果。如果仍有錯的部分,就可根據解答的指示,把官方版本Study Note的相關內容再仔細讀一遍。
步驟九:複習的時候以官方版本Study Note的practice problems、Sample與Mock的題目為主,若還有做錯的地方,則要註記符號,以便再次複習的時候就針對有註記符號的部分複習就可以了。若再次複習還是做錯,則在註記符號上再加註記符號,直到所有加註記符號的部分都懂了為止。